systems thinking

how user and customer are connected to development

Drawing conversations with meaning, for product/service and system development.

Picturing and framing conversations in a professional context is a way of building a bridge between people who think and are differently, thus creating a dialogue. Drawing (shape) a conversation and giving the situation picture meaning from a systems perspective creates the image of what you can make (together)… an indispensable communication skill to connect […]

Drawing conversations with meaning, for product/service and system development. Read More »

conversatie tekenen

Conversaties tekenen en betekenis geven voor product/service en systeem ontwikkeling.

Ik heb dertig jaar bij elke professionele conversatie een tekening gemaakt met duiding (systeem- perspectief frame als betekenisgever) om tot een goed begrip te komen van “waarover het gaat”, “wat doen we ermee” en “wat zijn onze motieven & weerstanden”. Beeldvorming en beelden framen was (en is) mijn manier van denken en doen om een

Conversaties tekenen en betekenis geven voor product/service en systeem ontwikkeling. Read More »

d&e support framework embedded

The ‘Design and Engineering framework’ as a mental model in a context of integrated product development.

What do mental models have to do with orchestrating projects, generating creativity and research, posting knowledge, facilitating implementation, connecting people in co-creation? I want to share with you a mental model that is embedded in a context of product development. The ‘Design & Engineering framework’ I like to introduce you to an individual (experts) and

The ‘Design and Engineering framework’ as a mental model in a context of integrated product development. Read More »

Visualize conversations during collaborative team practices – without being able to draw.

How to use a unique way to capture and share conversations in your collaboration, regardless of your drawing abilities. I want to share my experience and guide you on how to swiftly create a visual representation of a conversation. This post is dedicated to professionals who truly understand the power of making communication visible. For

Visualize conversations during collaborative team practices – without being able to draw. Read More »

Mapping as a powerful way to shape and develop your ideas – get people to work together on the same (systems)model:

I created a map for an Investment Manager to visualize the context around a theme . The digital map links the essential information to a core theme in a well-arranged structure. With an A1 print-out on the table you get the whole context explained in a few minutes to people whom you invite in a

Mapping as a powerful way to shape and develop your ideas – get people to work together on the same (systems)model: Read More »

strategy to design & engineering

Visioning Development Planning: a collaborative systems design approach.

Visioning-Development-Planning is the engine to speed up the development of systems. It connects people to the work, creating collaboration in trust in a learning environment. With one visual anchor, people can manage each other and themselves in an agile way. It allows to take a quick project start with little information and resources available, and

Visioning Development Planning: a collaborative systems design approach. Read More »