how user and customer are connected to development

Drawing conversations with meaning, for product/service and system development.

Picturing and framing conversations in a professional context is a way of building a bridge between people who think and are differently, thus creating a dialogue. Drawing (shape) a conversation and giving the situation picture meaning from a systems perspective creates the image of what you can make (together)… an indispensable communication skill to connect people with each other and with work.

For thirty years now, with every professional conversation, I have made a hand drawing with indications to understand situations as a system. The combination of imaging and viewing the image from a system perspective is an excellent way to gain a good understanding with your discussion partner of what the conversation is about, what you can do and what the motives and resistance are to continue the collaboration.
The communication takes place between the conversation partners and the visual model and no longer only between the discussion partners, which stimulates creative (no biased positions) and constructive interaction (with context-oriented professional frames). The drawing that arises during the conversation shows what you want to make together. People who think and are different are given the opportunity to express themselves in a creative and constructive dialogue, which quickly creates trust.

talking without seeing


talking and seeing


 © patrik marien

Only people with hidden agendas had/have a hard time with that and avoid (consciously and unconsciously) taking part in [making] a clear situation model. You have continual disagreements with these people with a strong negative impact on human (job satisfaction, trust…) and business interests (time, money, customer relationship…) which is disastrous to the success of a collaboration.

You too can collaborate with more fun, smarter and more effectively in a good relationship with your network by making meaningful conversation drawings…

You work in the environment of product/service and system development with the challenge of placing the continuous flow of ideas and information in the right context. A working day is full of expectations that demand a solution.

the professional work space

Do you really want to involve people in the collaboration with attention to everyone’s individuality and encourage others to participate in conversations…

connect people in collaboration

Draw the conversation with yourself and others [shape] and give meaning to the drawing [system perspective] to understand a situation, and keep the focus on the conversation theme

making the system perspective of a conversation

Discover the needs in dialogue with the system image, as the starting point to make solutions with words and images

create options with word and picture

Visualizing conversations as a system is an effective communication technique to talk about more complex topics. The visual form makes conversations fascinating and triggers curiosity. You can do a lot with such a visual language in collaboration with colleagues and customers: prepare, exchange information about a theme, make appointments… and use them remotely.

So connect and think together by drawing conversations. How to? read this post:


give it a try and let me know your experience.

Do you also want to work like this? Questions about how to approach that? 

I would like to help you!

or make use of my expertise and link to

Learn to Shape and give meaning to communication and conversations

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