Visual Management

how user and customer are connected to development

Drawing conversations with meaning, for product/service and system development.

Picturing and framing conversations in a professional context is a way of building a bridge between people who think and are differently, thus creating a dialogue. Drawing (shape) a conversation and giving the situation picture meaning from a systems perspective creates the image of what you can make (together)… an indispensable communication skill to connect […]

Drawing conversations with meaning, for product/service and system development. Read More »

a collaborative systems design approach

How to connect people into a project. Visioning-Development-Planning for core team professionals.

Connecting people with a different mindset and background into projects, keeping collaboration running optimally and effectively in an ever-changing situation, be able to orchestrate all elements of systems development at the same time – A challenge for professionals and teams.

How to connect people into a project. Visioning-Development-Planning for core team professionals. Read More »

professionals project table

How to set up and run a project. The Project Table set up for core team professionals.

Setting up a project quickly and well, even with little starting information and not having the best resources available, is a reality that challenges professionals.

How to set up and run a project. The Project Table set up for core team professionals. Read More »

idea proces

How to make ideas grow into a project. From vision to project teams.

Making ideas strong to develop is not a (one day) event where all kinds of people can express their opinion, then go through a selection of frameworks (swot…etc) to finally decide that ‘a management team’ will do something with it. A lot of energy is wasted on events (and PowerPoint presentations, workshops, brainstorming, etc.) that

How to make ideas grow into a project. From vision to project teams. Read More »

projecttable core teams claim the project

You need ‘ProjectTable-core teams’ that manage autonomously for product/service and system development.

Leaders/managers who bother professionals with irrelevant involvements, who demand time for useless meetings and mandatory reports, make professional (learning)work impossible for employees, which leads to great frustration. In that unhealthy work environment, people are discouraged and driven apart instead of bringing them together in a defined space for the development of new products/services to keep

You need ‘ProjectTable-core teams’ that manage autonomously for product/service and system development. Read More »

projecttable core teams at work

Projecttafel-kernteams die autonoom sturen heb je nodig voor product/service en systeemontwikkeling .

Leiders/ managers die professionelen lastigvallen met niet relevante bemoeienissen, tijd opeisen voor nutteloos vergaderen en verplichte rapportages, maken dat professioneel (lerend)werken voor medewerkers onmogelijk wordt wat leidt tot grote frustratie. In die ongezonde werkomgeving worden mensen ontmoedigd en uit elkaar gedreven in plaats van ze samen te brengen in een gedefinieerde ruimte voor de ontwikkeling

Projecttafel-kernteams die autonoom sturen heb je nodig voor product/service en systeemontwikkeling . Read More »

Deze drie visualisaties heeft een bedrijf nodig voor communicatie en samenwerking tijdens product/service en systeem ontwikkeling

Er is te weinig kans op samenwerking tussen technische en commerciële mensen wanneer zij niet kunnen (mogen) of niet willen deelnemen aan een samenwerking (geen interesse, geen vertrouwen). Er ontstaan teveel inschattingsfouten (budget, plannen) wanneer professionele medewerkers/netwerk (tussen andere bezigheden door) worden bevraagd over situaties waarin ze onvoldoende inzicht krijgen. Maak drie modellen voor jouw

Deze drie visualisaties heeft een bedrijf nodig voor communicatie en samenwerking tijdens product/service en systeem ontwikkeling Read More »

conversatie tekenen

Conversaties tekenen en betekenis geven voor product/service en systeem ontwikkeling.

Ik heb dertig jaar bij elke professionele conversatie een tekening gemaakt met duiding (systeem- perspectief frame als betekenisgever) om tot een goed begrip te komen van “waarover het gaat”, “wat doen we ermee” en “wat zijn onze motieven & weerstanden”. Beeldvorming en beelden framen was (en is) mijn manier van denken en doen om een

Conversaties tekenen en betekenis geven voor product/service en systeem ontwikkeling. Read More »

d&e support framework embedded

The ‘Design and Engineering framework’ as a mental model in a context of integrated product development.

What do mental models have to do with orchestrating projects, generating creativity and research, posting knowledge, facilitating implementation, connecting people in co-creation? I want to share with you a mental model that is embedded in a context of product development. The ‘Design & Engineering framework’ I like to introduce you to an individual (experts) and

The ‘Design and Engineering framework’ as a mental model in a context of integrated product development. Read More »

Visualize conversations during collaborative team practices – without being able to draw.

How to use a unique way to capture and share conversations in your collaboration, regardless of your drawing abilities. I want to share my experience and guide you on how to swiftly create a visual representation of a conversation. This post is dedicated to professionals who truly understand the power of making communication visible. For

Visualize conversations during collaborative team practices – without being able to draw. Read More »